     Average of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Average of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
          -0.00000010      0.00000001     -0.00000047
     Average of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
          -0.10399596     -0.10323958     -0.11072736      0.00870734      0.01323358      0.00227775
     Variance of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Variance of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
           0.02801237      0.03150677      0.02992016
     Variance of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
           0.33989580      0.39562239      0.34817978      0.09274632      0.15113359      0.12365301
     Normalized histogram
     X, HIS_E, HIS_F, HIS_S
     -3.00000000      0.00000000      0.00251586      0.00213301      0.00317217      0.00413223      0.00413223      0.00826446      0.01239669      0.00826446      0.01652893
     -2.70000000      0.00000000      0.00142201      0.00175016      0.00229709      0.00413223      0.00413223      0.00413223      0.02066116      0.02892562      0.02066116
     -2.40000000      0.00000000      0.00142201      0.00185955      0.00224240      0.00000000      0.00413223      0.00000000      0.00826446      0.00413223      0.01239669
     -2.10000000      0.00000000      0.00191424      0.00158609      0.00251586      0.01239669      0.01652893      0.00413223      0.01239669      0.00826446      0.00826446
     -1.80000000      0.00000000      0.00246117      0.00229709      0.00278932      0.00413223      0.00826446      0.01652893      0.00826446      0.00000000      0.02066116
     -1.50000000      0.00000000      0.00399256      0.00432072      0.00377379      0.02066116      0.00000000      0.02479339      0.00826446      0.01239669      0.02479339
     -1.20000000      0.00000000      0.01263400      0.01290746      0.01071975      0.02892562      0.01239669      0.01652893      0.01652893      0.02892562      0.02066116
     -0.90000000      0.00000000      0.04430103      0.04036316      0.04085539      0.02892562      0.02066116      0.02479339      0.02479339      0.03305785      0.01239669
     -0.60000000      0.39669421      0.11255743      0.12076132      0.13919274      0.04958678      0.02479339      0.06611570      0.03719008      0.02066116      0.01239669
     -0.30000000      0.39669421      0.30436447      0.30578648      0.28308904      0.04958678      0.04545455      0.05371901      0.60743802      0.60330579      0.35537190
      0.00000000      0.13223140      0.30786480      0.29342595      0.28855830      0.40082645      0.65289256      0.43801653      0.04958678      0.07851240      0.31404959
      0.30000000      0.01652893      0.11436228      0.12409757      0.13180923      0.30165289      0.09090909      0.26033058      0.02066116      0.00826446      0.02892562
      0.60000000      0.00000000      0.03872238      0.04255086      0.04058193      0.01239669      0.02479339      0.02479339      0.04545455      0.02066116      0.03305785
      0.90000000      0.00826446      0.01449355      0.01017283      0.01115730      0.02066116      0.02479339      0.01239669      0.02479339      0.02892562      0.02479339
      1.20000000      0.00413223      0.00443010      0.00437541      0.00404725      0.00826446      0.00826446      0.00413223      0.02892562      0.02479339      0.02066116
      1.50000000      0.00413223      0.00284402      0.00289871      0.00262525      0.01239669      0.01239669      0.00000000      0.02479339      0.01652893      0.02066116
      1.80000000      0.00413223      0.00196893      0.00202363      0.00235178      0.00826446      0.00826446      0.00413223      0.02066116      0.02066116      0.01652893
      2.10000000      0.00826446      0.00153139      0.00175016      0.00213301      0.00413223      0.00000000      0.00413223      0.00413223      0.02479339      0.01652893
      2.40000000      0.00000000      0.00185955      0.00136732      0.00131262      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00413223      0.00000000      0.00413223      0.00413223
      2.70000000      0.00413223      0.00120324      0.00147670      0.00202363      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00826446      0.00826446      0.00413223