     Average of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Average of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
           0.00000016      0.00000064     -0.00000006
     Average of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
           0.00014124     -0.00769907     -0.00630054     -0.00151862     -0.00230464     -0.00135709
     Variance of energy (eV atom^-1)
     Variance of force (X Y Z) (eV ang^-1 atom^-1)
           0.01400288      0.01153655      0.01260642
     Variance of stress (XX YY ZZ XY XZ YZ) (GPa atom^-1)
           0.01252129      0.01207147      0.01069889      0.00695463      0.00830754      0.00818427
     Normalized histogram
     X, HIS_E, HIS_F, HIS_S
     -3.00000000      0.00000000      0.00500501      0.00575576      0.00475475      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.02702703      0.00000000      0.02702703
     -2.70000000      0.00000000      0.00325325      0.00500501      0.00425425      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
     -2.40000000      0.00000000      0.00750751      0.00675676      0.00775776      0.05405405      0.00000000      0.02702703      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
     -2.10000000      0.05405405      0.01051051      0.01776777      0.01001001      0.00000000      0.08108108      0.02702703      0.02702703      0.00000000      0.02702703
     -1.80000000      0.02702703      0.01826827      0.02252252      0.02477477      0.02702703      0.00000000      0.05405405      0.00000000      0.02702703      0.00000000
     -1.50000000      0.08108108      0.03428428      0.03228228      0.04429429      0.02702703      0.05405405      0.00000000      0.08108108      0.05405405      0.08108108
     -1.20000000      0.05405405      0.04754755      0.05855856      0.06181181      0.05405405      0.02702703      0.10810811      0.00000000      0.21621622      0.02702703
     -0.90000000      0.08108108      0.08108108      0.09034034      0.08508509      0.10810811      0.02702703      0.08108108      0.02702703      0.02702703      0.08108108
     -0.60000000      0.08108108      0.12312312      0.12337337      0.11711712      0.10810811      0.18918919      0.10810811      0.16216216      0.05405405      0.08108108
     -0.30000000      0.02702703      0.16141141      0.14939940      0.14164164      0.18918919      0.16216216      0.02702703      0.13513514      0.10810811      0.21621622
      0.00000000      0.13513514      0.17342342      0.14264264      0.13013013      0.02702703      0.13513514      0.18918919      0.16216216      0.13513514      0.08108108
      0.30000000      0.21621622      0.12162162      0.10960961      0.11736737      0.08108108      0.10810811      0.10810811      0.13513514      0.16216216      0.05405405
      0.60000000      0.05405405      0.08183183      0.07682683      0.08708709      0.13513514      0.05405405      0.05405405      0.05405405      0.02702703      0.10810811
      0.90000000      0.08108108      0.05055055      0.05105105      0.06281281      0.08108108      0.02702703      0.08108108      0.05405405      0.08108108      0.13513514
      1.20000000      0.08108108      0.02877878      0.03628629      0.03703704      0.05405405      0.02702703      0.08108108      0.05405405      0.02702703      0.02702703
      1.50000000      0.00000000      0.02127127      0.02427427      0.02427427      0.02702703      0.05405405      0.05405405      0.08108108      0.02702703      0.02702703
      1.80000000      0.00000000      0.00875876      0.01801802      0.01551552      0.00000000      0.02702703      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.02702703      0.02702703
      2.10000000      0.00000000      0.00950951      0.00925926      0.00775776      0.02702703      0.02702703      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
      2.40000000      0.02702703      0.00375375      0.00925926      0.00425425      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.02702703      0.00000000
      2.70000000      0.00000000      0.00175175      0.00450450      0.00300300      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000