Listing of Directory /Tasks/

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2.1_Initialize.out     1441256 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:22
2.2_Velocities.out         312 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:22
2.3.energies.txt          1469 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 09:46:37    213164688 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 09:46:37   4720140 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 09:46:37   4717179 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 09:46:37   4716669 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 09:46:37   4716667 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 09:46:37
2.3_averages.txt          1190 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 05:13:51
2.3_Deposition.out        8192 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:24
2.3_instantaneous.txt  1147680 bytes  Sep 29, 2024 10:14:46
deposition_TSA_1.dat       821 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
deposition_TSA_2.dat       821 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
deposition_TSA_3.dat       821 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
deposition_TSA_4.dat       821 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
input.dat              1024775 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
LAMMPS.out             1449703 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:24
log.lammps                 299 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:19
mpi                        501 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:18
parameters.dat           14546 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
script                    3550 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
state.dat                  201 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17
structure.dat          8187965 bytes  Sep 27, 2024 21:14:17