Listing of Directory /Tasks/

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2.1_Initialize.out         294662 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:06
2.2_Velocities.out            312 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:06
2.3.energies.txt             2528 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11       242889306 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     20195590 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     20497567 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     20499218 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     20560911 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     22266588 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     21520333 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     22431076 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11     22849153 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 18:08:11
2.3_averages.txt             1005 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 08:54:31
2.3_Deposition.out          20480 bytes  Jun  8, 2024 15:47:19
2.3_instantaneous.txt      990676 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 19:08:53
deposition_r_EOS.dat         1384 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_EOS_1.dat       1389 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_EOS_2.dat       1415 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_EOS_3.dat       1415 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_HMCTS.dat       1548 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_HMCTS_1.dat     1544 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_HMCTS_2.dat     1564 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
deposition_r_HMCTS_3.dat     1577 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
input.dat                  217528 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
LAMMPS.out                 316627 bytes  Jun  8, 2024 16:27:35
log.lammps                    299 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:06
mpi                           501 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:05
parameters.dat              26380 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
script                       3504 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04
state.dat                     203 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 19:09:25
stdout                       1022 bytes  Jun  9, 2024 19:09:25
structure.dat             1729062 bytes  Jun  7, 2024 22:27:04