# Stage 2.3: NVE integration for Deposition for 100000 with a timestep of 0.2

group    	deposition_atoms_O2 id  2049 2050
2 atoms in group deposition_atoms_O2
delete_atoms   	group deposition_atoms_O2
WARNING: Ignoring 'compress yes' for molecular system (../delete_atoms.cpp:126)
Deleted 2 atoms, new total = 2048

molecule    	depositing_species_O2 deposition_O2.dat
Read molecule template depositing_species_O2:
  1 molecules
  0 fragments
  2 atoms with max type 1
  0 bonds with max type 0
  0 angles with max type 0
  0 dihedrals with max type 0
  0 impropers with max type 0
region   	deposition_region_O2 block EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE 50 60 units box

region		evaporation_region block EDGE EDGE EDGE EDGE 90 EDGE units box

uncompute  	thermo_temp
compute  	thermo_temp movable temp

thermo_style   	custom step v_time press vol v_sysdensity temp ebond eangle edihed eimp evdwl ecoul etail elong pe ke
WARNING: New thermo_style command, previous thermo_modify settings will be lost (../output.cpp:888)
thermo   	${Nthermo}
thermo   	0

fix   		1 movable nve
fix   		2 all evaporate 1000 1000 evaporation_region 9828 molecule yes
fix   		dlan subset_thermostat langevin 300 300 20.0 352 tally yes
fix   		3 movable ave/time 1 50000 50000 v_time c_thermo_temp c_thermo_press v_sysvol v_sysdensity v_etotal v_pe v_ke v_evdwl v_coulomb v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy f_dlan file 2.3_averages.txt off 1
fix   		4 movable ave/time 50  1     50 v_time  c_thermo_temp c_thermo_press v_sysvol v_sysdensity v_etotal v_pe v_ke v_evdwl v_coulomb v_sxx v_syy v_szz v_syz v_sxz v_sxy f_dlan file 2.3_instantaneous.txt
fix   		deposition_O2_1 deposition_atoms_O2 deposit 50 0 10000 9828 region deposition_region_O2 mol depositing_species_O2 vz -0.06989574890928181 -0.085428137555788888 vx 0.0 0.0 vy 0.0 0.0 near 1.50 id next units box
fix   		deposition_O2_2 deposition_atoms_O2 nve

dump   		trj all custom 5000 2.3.Trajectory.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
fix   		trjE all ave/time 5000 1 5000 v_etotal v_pe v_ke file 2.3.energies.txt
dump   		trj_O2 deposition_atoms_O2 custom 5000 2.3.trajectory_1.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
compute  		chunk_1 deposition_atoms_O2 chunk/atom bin/1d z lower 1.0 units box
fix      		chunk_1 deposition_atoms_O2 ave/chunk 1 50000 50000 chunk_1 density/number norm sample file 2.3_distribution_O2_1.out
timestep 	0.2
run  		500000
Neighbor list info ...
  update every 1 steps, delay 10 steps, check yes
  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
  master list distance cutoff = 4.8
  ghost atom cutoff = 4.8
  binsize = 2.4, bins = 13 13 42
  1 neighbor lists, perpetual/occasional/extra = 1 0 0
  (1) pair tersoff, perpetual
      attributes: full, newton on
      pair build: full/bin
      stencil: full/bin/3d
      bin: standard
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 7.02 | 7.592 | 8.167 Mbytes
Step v_time Press Volume v_sysdensity Temp E_bond E_angle E_dihed E_impro E_vdwl E_coul E_tail E_long PotEng KinEng 
       0        1e-06    3321.0139    93956.963    1.0165589    299.37531            0            0            0            0   -212361.64            0            0            0   -212361.64     1712.479 
  500000       100000      2395.05    93956.963    1.0431382    381.18831            0            0            0            0   -226058.66            0            0            0   -226058.66    2180.4636 
Loop time of 190.832 on 40 procs for 500000 steps with 2142 atoms

Performance: 45.275 ns/day, 0.530 hours/ns, 2620.108 timesteps/s
98.0% CPU use with 40 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 0.035414   | 58.63      | 147.9      | 812.1 | 30.72
Bond    | 0.01855    | 0.027219   | 0.042277   |   4.9 |  0.01
Neigh   | 0.002072   | 0.17358    | 0.42995    |  43.5 |  0.09
Comm    | 0.18763    | 28.96      | 94.63      | 617.0 | 15.18
Output  | 0.043449   | 0.045847   | 0.048889   |   0.8 |  0.02
Modify  | 25.582     | 101.36     | 188.89     | 733.9 | 53.11
Other   |            | 1.637      |            |       |  0.86

Nlocal:          53.55 ave         134 max           0 min
Histogram: 20 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 11 5
Nghost:         226.35 ave         525 max           0 min
Histogram: 16 0 0 4 4 0 3 1 4 8
Neighs:              0 ave           0 max           0 min
Histogram: 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs:       1428.7 ave        3741 max           0 min
Histogram: 20 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 9 4

Total # of neighbors = 57148
Ave neighs/atom = 26.679739
Ave special neighs/atom = 0
Neighbor list builds = 2159
Dangerous builds = 0

write_dump   	all xyz final_2.3.xyz modify element O Si
undump  	trj
unfix  	trjE
undump  	trj_O2
write_dump  	deposition_atoms_O2 custom 2.3.deposited_1.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs

restart   	0
dump    	sci all custom 500000 2.3.xyz id mol type q xs ys zs
run  		0
Per MPI rank memory allocation (min/avg/max) = 6.9 | 7.622 | 8.047 Mbytes
Step v_time Press Volume v_sysdensity Temp E_bond E_angle E_dihed E_impro E_vdwl E_coul E_tail E_long PotEng KinEng 
  500000       100000      2395.05    93956.963    1.0431382    381.18831            0            0            0            0   -226058.66            0            0            0   -226058.66    2180.4636 
Loop time of 2.10392e-06 on 40 procs for 0 steps with 2142 atoms

95.1% CPU use with 40 MPI tasks x 1 OpenMP threads

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Bond    | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Neigh   | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Comm    | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Output  | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Modify  | 0          | 0          | 0          |   0.0 |  0.00
Other   |            | 2.104e-06  |            |       |100.00

Nlocal:          53.55 ave         134 max           0 min
Histogram: 20 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 11 5
Nghost:         226.35 ave         525 max           0 min
Histogram: 16 0 0 4 4 0 3 1 4 8
Neighs:              0 ave           0 max           0 min
Histogram: 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FullNghs:       1428.7 ave        3741 max           0 min
Histogram: 20 0 0 2 2 0 0 3 9 4

Total # of neighbors = 57148
Ave neighs/atom = 26.679739
Ave special neighs/atom = 0
Neighbor list builds = 0
Dangerous builds = 0
undump  	sci
uncompute  		chunk_1
unfix      		chunk_1
unfix  		1
unfix  		2
unfix  		3
unfix  		4
unfix    	deposition_O2_1
unfix    	deposition_O2_2
unfix   	dlan

Total wall time: 0:03:10