./db.backup output for 41: 3.3A-->1.3A (Job 121) O-H...N hydrogen bond by TSA-OH, TSA-NH2 (TSS)

Status: finished
job.id 41
job.name {3.3A-->1.3A (Job 121) O-H...N hydrogen bond by TSA-OH, TSA-NH2  (TSS)}
job.description {
job.status pending
job.submitted {2024-09-26 21:32:30}
job.started {0000-00-00 00:00:00}
job.finished {0000-00-00 00:00:00}
job.queue 5
job.errormsg {}
job.pid 0
job.userid 1
job.priority 5
job.jobserverid 2
data.joboptions {_protocol_type_ JobControl _description_ {} passwd {} _name_ {} nproc 1 priority 5 _protocol_id_ 0 _protocol_pid_ 0 _version_ 1.1 context {} user user}
data.script set\ MedeADb\ \"C:/MD/Databases/MedeA.db\"\n#\n#\ Basic\ script\ for\ running\ TransitionStateSearch\ calculations\n#\n\npackage\ require\ database\npackage\ require\ MD.Results\npackage\ require\ TransitionStateSearch\npackage\ require\ Options\npackage\ require\ system\npackage\ require\ Simulation\n\n\nproc\ task\ \{args\}\ \{\}\nnamespace\ eval\ ::MD\ \{\}\n\nputs\ \"Opening\ the\ database\"\n\n#\n#\ Hmmm.\ An\ issue\ with\ SQL\ Server\ and\ MySql\ databases\ here\n#\ Need\ to\ try\ both!\n#\n\nopenMedeADb\ \$MedeADb\n\n#\ Drop\ the\ priority\n#\ if\ \{\[catch\ \{\n#\ \ \ \ \ package\ require\ WinUtil\n#\ \ \ \ \ ::WinUtil::priority\ low\n#\ \}\ msg\]\}\ \{\n#\ \ \ \ \ puts\ \"Unable\ to\ lower\ priority:\ \$msg\"\n#\ \}\n\nset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'transitionstatesearchoptions'\"\]\ 0\]\]\n::TransitionStateSearch::Options\ transitionstatesearchoptions\neval\ transitionstatesearchoptions\ update\ \$tmp\n\nset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'system'\"\]\ 0\]\]\nSystem\ system\ -data\ \$tmp\n\nset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'finalsystem'\"\]\ 0\]\]\nif\ \{\$tmp\ !=\ \"\"\}\ \{\n\ \ \ \ System\ finalsystem\ -data\ \$tmp\n\}\n\nset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'simulationoptions'\"\]\ 0\]\]\nSimulation::Options\ simulationoptions\neval\ simulationoptions\ update\ \$tmp\n\n\tset\ engine\ \[transitionstatesearchoptions\ get\ engine\]\n\tswitch\ \$engine\ \{\n\t\ \ \ \ VASP46\ \ \{\n\t\tpackage\ require\ VAMPBatch\n\t\tset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'vaspoptions'\"\]\ 0\]\]\n\t\t::VAMP::Options\ vaspoptions\n\t\teval\ vaspoptions\ update\ \$tmp\n\n\t\t::MD::Results::Handler\ Results\ -file\ Job.xml\n\n\t\tnew\ VAMP::Batch\ VASP\ -options\ vaspoptions\ -system\ system\ -finalsystem\ finalsystem\ -simulationoptions\ \\\n\t\t\ \ \ \ simulationoptions\ -transitionstatesearchoptions\ transitionstatesearchoptions\ -results\ Results\n\t\t\$VASP\ TransitionStateSearch\n\n\t\tResults\ save\n\t\ \ \ \ \}\n\n\t\ \ \ \ VASP52\ \ \{\n\t\tpackage\ require\ VASP52Batch\n\t\tset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'vaspoptions'\"\]\ 0\]\]\n\t\t::VASP52::Options\ vaspoptions\n\t\teval\ vaspoptions\ update\ \$tmp\n\t\tnew\ VASP52::Batch\ VASP\ -options\ vaspoptions\ -system\ system\ -finalsystem\ finalsystem\ -simulationoptions\ simulationoptions\ -transitionstatesearchoptions\ transitionstatesearchoptions\n\t\t\$VASP\ TransitionStateSearch\n\t\ \ \ \ \}\n\n\t\ \ \ \ VASP53\ \ \{\n\t\tpackage\ require\ VASP53Batch\n\t\tset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'vaspoptions'\"\]\ 0\]\]\n\t\t::VASP53::Options\ vaspoptions\n\t\teval\ vaspoptions\ update\ \$tmp\n\t\tnew\ VASP53::Batch\ VASP\ -options\ vaspoptions\ -system\ system\ -finalsystem\ finalsystem\ -simulationoptions\ simulationoptions\ -transitionstatesearchoptions\ transitionstatesearchoptions\n\t\t\$VASP\ TransitionStateSearch\n\t\ \ \ \ \}\n\n\t\ \ \ \ VASP6\ \ \{\n\t\tpackage\ require\ VASP6Batch\n\t\tset\ tmp\ \[join\ \[lindex\ \[db\ \"SELECT\ value\ FROM\ data\ WHERE\ job\ =\ \$::job::id\ AND\ item\ =\ 'vaspoptions'\"\]\ 0\]\]\n\t\t::VASP6::Options\ vaspoptions\n\t\teval\ vaspoptions\ update\ \$tmp\n\t\tnew\ VASP6::Batch\ VASP\ -options\ vaspoptions\ -system\ system\ -finalsystem\ finalsystem\ -simulationoptions\ simulationoptions\ -transitionstatesearchoptions\ transitionstatesearchoptions\n\t\t\$VASP\ TransitionStateSearch\n\t\ \ \ \ \}\n\n\t\}\n
data.transitionstatesearchoptions {MD_minimizer BFGS2 Solid-VTST_minimizer Quick-Min VTST_minimizer Global-LBFGS VTST_minimizer_dimer Global-LBFGS _description_ {} _name_ {} _protocol_id_ 0 _protocol_pid_ 0 _protocol_type_ TransitionStateSearch _version_ 1.0 calculation {Nudged Elastic Band} center_mass_motion 1 climbing_image 0 convergence 0.25 convergence_dimer 0.1 convergence_for_climbing 1.0 convergence_transitionstatesearch 0.1 damping_factor 1 debug_minimizer 0 description {} dimer_calculation {Dimer method (VASP)} dimer_frozen_mode {for the initial dimer orientation only} dimer_orientation {towards final configuration} dimer_refineTS_RMMDIIS 1 dimer_separation 0.01 double_nudging 0 dynamical_timestep 0.1 dynamical_timestep_dimer 0.1 ending_image 1.0 engine VASP6 finalsystem ::system115 findTS 1 finite_difference {forward finite difference} image_initialization {linear interpolation} include_boundary_translations 0 initial_dimer_shift 0.1 initial_invhessian 0.001 initialimages {initialimage7 {} initialimage3 {} initialimage8 {} initialimage4 {} initialimage9 {} initialimage5 {} initialimage1 {} initialimage6 {} initialimage2 {}} interpolation_range {full range} lower_finalarea_image 0.8 mapReactionPath 1 max_stepnumber 150 max_stepnumber_dimer 100 maximum_number_rotations 1 maximum_rotation_force 1.0 menu .transitionstatesearch minimum_rotation 0.01 minimum_rotation_force 0.01 number_of_images 9 number_of_images_transitionstatesearch 1 number_of_random_directions 1 number_of_refinements 0 optimize_transitionstate 1 quickmin_damping 0.4 quickmin_damping_dimer 0.4 refineTS 1 refineTS_RMMDIIS 1 refineTSmethod {Elastic Band Methods} refine_transitionstate {all identified saddle points} relaxalgo RMM-DIIS search_transitionstate {for the highest saddle point only} shift_dimer 0 spring_constant 0.1 starting_image 0.0 step_size 0.01 step_size_max 0.1 summary {3.3A-->1.3A (Job 121) O-H...N hydrogen bond by TSA-OH, TSA-NH2  (TSS)} tangent_estimation improved task {Map out the minimum energy path by elastic band methods} theOtherGUI 1 transitionstate_search_method {Elastic Band Methods} translation_criterion 0.5 upper_initialarea_image 0.2 use_wavecars 0}
data.vaspoptions {ACFDT-RPARmode 0 ACFDT-RPAmode 0 ActualKMesh {1 2 2} ActualKSpacings {0.419 0.262 0.262} BandStructure/_description_ {} BandStructure/_name_ {} BandStructure/_protocol_id_ 0 BandStructure/_protocol_pid_ 0 BandStructure/_protocol_type_ BandStructure BandStructure/_version_ 2.1 BandStructure/explicitpath 0 BandStructure/labels {} BandStructure/maxpoints 40 BandStructure/module VASP BandStructure/npertask 40 BandStructure/npoints {} BandStructure/symmetrypoints {} BandStructure/vertices {} DDH-DSH_decay 1.26 DDH-DSH_longrange 0.1 DimerVASP 0 Efield_direction x-axis ElPhonmode 0 FFTcharges 0 GWRcalc {quasiparticle shifts} GWRmode 0 GW_ismear Gaussian GW_metals 0 GW_mporder 1 GW_sigma 0.2 GW_sigmaGauss 0.05 GWalgorithm {eigenvalues for G (GW0)} GWcalc {quasiparticle shifts} GWmode 0 Gshift 1 HF_Gshift 1 HF_amix 0.2 HF_bstr_kmesh {as for non-local exchange} HF_kInputmode {set spacing between k-points} HF_kPointMode 0 HF_kSpacing 0.5 HF_nk1_base 1 HF_nk2_base 2 HF_nk3_base 2 HF_nkodd 0 HF_nkx 4 HF_nky 4 HF_nkz 4 HF_timestep 0.4 HF_timestep_initial 0.4 MLFF_Task_MD {Create forcefield by on-the-fly learning} ML_Gwidth_angular {} ML_Gwidth_radial 0.5 ML_Rcut_angular 5.0 ML_Rcut_radial 8.0 ML_atomicEnergy 0 ML_atomicenergy {} ML_energyscaling {average energy of training data} ML_handleOverflow 1 ML_heatFlux 0 ML_lmax 3 ML_nMLFFstepsmin {} ML_nbasisfunct_angular 8 ML_nbasisfunct_radial 12 ML_nconfigstemp 5 ML_nrefconfigsmax {} ML_nstructuremax {} ML_output_frequency 1 ML_pair-correlation 1 ML_thresholdconfigfactor 0.6 ML_thresholdfactor {} ML_thresholdforceserror 0.002 ML_thresholdsparsification {} ML_thresholdupdate automatic ML_thresholdupdatefactor 1.0 ML_weight_energy 1.0 ML_weight_forces 1.0 ML_weight_radial 0.1 ML_weight_stress 1.0 MP2mode 0 NEBinVASP 0 TDHFmode 0 TimeEv_nbands_occ {} TimeEv_nbands_unocc {} TimeEvmode 0 TimeStep_definition {via complex shift} _description_ {} _name_ {} _protocol_id_ 0 _protocol_pid_ 0 _protocol_type_ VASP _version_ 2.4 acfdt-rpa_metals 0 addgrid 0 algo {Normal (blocked Davidson)} algoHF {Damped molecular dynamics} amix 0.2 apaco {} applyMLFF_ElPhon 0 applyMLFF_MT 0 applyMLFF_OPT 0 applyMLFF_SP 0 apply_localization immediately apply_solvation 0 backgroundCharge 0 bandstructure 0 cshift 0.1 cshiftGW {} cshiftTimeEv {} default_encut 400.000 delayeach 0 description {} displacement 0.015 displacement_number 1 dos 0 dos_Gshift 1 dos_ismear {Tetrahedron method} dos_kInputmode {set spacing between k-points} dos_kSpacing 0.25 dos_mporder 1 dos_nkodd 0 dos_nkx 9 dos_nkxmult 2 dos_nky 9 dos_nkymult 2 dos_nkz 9 dos_nkzmult 2 dos_projection {automatic choice} dos_sigma 0.2 dos_sigmaGauss 0.05 ediff 1.0e-05 ediffg -0.02 efield 0 efield_dir none elastic 0 elements_sites elements elphon_calculation {Single configuration (Zacharias-Giustino)} elphon_nstruct 100 elphon_temperature 0.0 emax {} emin {} enaug {} encut {} encutGW {} encut_nmr {} engine {for GPUs} explicitKPoints 0 extrainput {} file_return Normal fixcharg 0 functional {Density functional} gwr_nomega 16 gwr_sigma 0.1 gwr_tempmode {T = 0K (systems with band gap)} hybrid_functional HSE06 ibrion -1 icharg {Atomic charge densities} images 3 increase_encut 0 indepParticleApprox_TimeEv 0 initialDimerDir {} iniwav {Random numbers} involveMLFF_MD 0 isif {} ismear Methfessel-Paxton ispin 0 istart 0 isym {} iwave {from scratch} iwaveder 0 iwtmp 0 j_parameter {} kInputmode {set spacing between k-points} kSpacing 0.5 kblock {} kpoints {} lEoF 0 l_parameter {} laechg 0 lcharg 0 ldapu {Standard LDA or GGA} lefg 0 lelf 0 lepsilon 0 lhyperfine 0 lmaxHF {lmax = 4} lmaxaeGW {full shape up to lmax = 4} lmaxmp2 {up to lmax = 2} localization_ediff 1.0e-03 localization_steps 10 lpead 0 lreal {Real space} lscalapack 0 lsol 0 lspectral 1 ltmp2_nomega 6 lvhar 1 lvtot 0 lwave 0 lwaveder 0 magmom 1 magnetism {Defined by model} maxbandpoints 40 maxmem {} meta-GGA revTPSS modelBSE 0 modelBSE_AEXX {} modelBSE_HFSCREEN {} modelBSE_nbands_occ {} modelBSE_nbands_unocc {} mp2_calculation {Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2)} mporder 1 nTimeSteps 100 napaco {} nbands {} nbandsGW {} nbands_GW {} nbands_TDHF {} nbands_TimeEv {} nbands_occ {} nbands_opt {} nbands_unocc {} nblk {} nblock 1 nedos 3000 nelm 200 nelmGW 4 nelmdl {} nelmin 2 nfree 2 ngx 0 ngy 0 ngz 0 nkodd 0 nkx 4 nkxmult 1 nky 4 nkymult 1 nkz 4 nkzmult 1 nmr 0 nmr_maxkpoints 10 nomega 50 nomega_acfdt 12 nomega_tdhf 50 nosymmetry 0 nsw 0 nuj {} nwrite 1 oddonlyGW 0 optical_matrix_elements 0 optics 0 phonons_ismear Methfessel-Paxton phonons_mporder 1 phonons_sigma 0.2 phonons_sigmaGauss 0.05 poscar_filename {} potentials {GGA-PBE PAW {8 O 14 Si 1 H 7 N}} potentials_version {Version 54} potim {} prec Normal precision Normal precisionHF Normal precsym 1.0E-05 pressure 0 protHF_MD {DFT Single Point + Non-local Molecular Dynamics} protHF_Opt {DFT Single Point + Non-local Structure Optimization} protHF_SP {DFT Single Point + Non-local Single Point} read_poscar 0 reducedFFTHF 0 refit_MLFF {for fast running applications} response 0 response_ismear {Tetrahedron with Bloechl corrections} response_kmesh {as for DOS and optics} response_mporder 1 response_sigma 0.2 response_sigmaGauss 0.05 restart_MLFF {} restart_MLFF_prefix {} restart_chg {} restart_chg_prefix {} restart_type {constant energy cutoff} restart_wave {} restart_wave_prefix {} restart_waveder {} restart_wtmp {} rpar_calculation {single point energy (all systems)} rpar_convergence 0.02 rpar_mintrjfrequency 1 rpar_nomega 12 rpar_nsteps 100 rpar_sigma 0.1 rpar_tempmode {T = 0K (systems with band gap)} scissors {} sigma 0.2 sigmaGauss 0.05 sltmp2_estop {} sltmp2_nstorb {} smass {} smass_real {} solvation_energy 0 solvent_dielectric 78.4 spinaxis_x {} spinaxis_y {} spinaxis_z {} spininterpol Vosko-Wilk-Nusair spring -5 summary {} tebeg {} teend {} thomasFermi 1.8 thomasFermi_choice {average valence density} thomasFermi_fromDensity 1.8 timestep 0.4 timestep_initial 0.4 totalmoment {} u-j_parameter {} u_parameter {} van_der_Waals None van_der_Waals_functional optB86b-vdW vibrations 0 voskown {} weights {} workfunction 0}
data.vaspDimeroptions {ACFDT-RPARmode 0 ACFDT-RPAmode 0 ActualKMesh {1 2 2} ActualKSpacings {0.419 0.262 0.262} BandStructure/_description_ {} BandStructure/_name_ {} BandStructure/_protocol_id_ 0 BandStructure/_protocol_pid_ 0 BandStructure/_protocol_type_ BandStructure BandStructure/_version_ 2.1 BandStructure/explicitpath 0 BandStructure/labels {} BandStructure/maxpoints 40 BandStructure/module VASP BandStructure/npertask 40 BandStructure/npoints {} BandStructure/symmetrypoints {} BandStructure/vertices {} DDH-DSH_decay 1.26 DDH-DSH_longrange 0.1 DimerVASP 0 Efield_direction x-axis ElPhonmode 0 FFTcharges 0 GWRcalc {quasiparticle shifts} GWRmode 0 GW_ismear Gaussian GW_metals 0 GW_mporder 1 GW_sigma 0.2 GW_sigmaGauss 0.05 GWalgorithm {eigenvalues for G (GW0)} GWcalc {quasiparticle shifts} GWmode 0 Gshift 1 HF_Gshift 1 HF_amix 0.2 HF_bstr_kmesh {as for non-local exchange} HF_kInputmode {set spacing between k-points} HF_kPointMode 0 HF_kSpacing 0.5 HF_nk1_base 1 HF_nk2_base 2 HF_nk3_base 2 HF_nkodd 0 HF_nkx 4 HF_nky 4 HF_nkz 4 HF_timestep 0.4 HF_timestep_initial 0.4 MLFF_Task_MD {Create forcefield by on-the-fly learning} ML_Gwidth_angular {} ML_Gwidth_radial 0.5 ML_Rcut_angular 5.0 ML_Rcut_radial 8.0 ML_atomicEnergy 0 ML_atomicenergy {} ML_energyscaling {average energy of training data} ML_handleOverflow 1 ML_heatFlux 0 ML_lmax 3 ML_nMLFFstepsmin {} ML_nbasisfunct_angular 8 ML_nbasisfunct_radial 12 ML_nconfigstemp 5 ML_nrefconfigsmax {} ML_nstructuremax {} ML_output_frequency 1 ML_pair-correlation 1 ML_thresholdconfigfactor 0.6 ML_thresholdfactor {} ML_thresholdforceserror 0.002 ML_thresholdsparsification {} ML_thresholdupdate automatic ML_thresholdupdatefactor 1.0 ML_weight_energy 1.0 ML_weight_forces 1.0 ML_weight_radial 0.1 ML_weight_stress 1.0 MP2mode 0 NEBinVASP 0 TDHFmode 0 TimeEv_nbands_occ {} TimeEv_nbands_unocc {} TimeEvmode 0 TimeStep_definition {via complex shift} _description_ {} _name_ {} _protocol_id_ 0 _protocol_pid_ 0 _protocol_type_ VASP _version_ 2.4 acfdt-rpa_metals 0 addgrid 0 algo {Normal (blocked Davidson)} algoHF {Damped molecular dynamics} amix 0.2 apaco {} applyMLFF_ElPhon 0 applyMLFF_MT 0 applyMLFF_OPT 0 applyMLFF_SP 0 apply_localization immediately apply_solvation 0 backgroundCharge 0 bandstructure 0 cshift 0.1 cshiftGW {} cshiftTimeEv {} default_encut 400.000 delayeach 0 description {} displacement 0.015 displacement_number 1 dos 0 dos_Gshift 1 dos_ismear {Tetrahedron method} dos_kInputmode {set spacing between k-points} dos_kSpacing 0.25 dos_mporder 1 dos_nkodd 0 dos_nkx 9 dos_nkxmult 2 dos_nky 9 dos_nkymult 2 dos_nkz 9 dos_nkzmult 2 dos_projection {automatic choice} dos_sigma 0.2 dos_sigmaGauss 0.05 ediff 1.0e-05 ediffg -0.02 efield 0 efield_dir none elastic 0 elements_sites elements elphon_calculation {Single configuration (Zacharias-Giustino)} elphon_nstruct 100 elphon_temperature 0.0 emax {} emin {} enaug {} encut {} encutGW {} encut_nmr {} engine standard explicitKPoints 0 extrainput {} file_return Normal fixcharg 0 functional {Density functional} gwr_nomega 16 gwr_sigma 0.1 gwr_tempmode {T = 0K (systems with band gap)} hybrid_functional HSE06 ibrion -1 icharg {Atomic charge densities} images 3 increase_encut 0 indepParticleApprox_TimeEv 0 initialDimerDir {} iniwav {Random numbers} involveMLFF_MD 0 isif {} ismear Methfessel-Paxton ispin 0 istart 0 isym {} iwave {from scratch} iwaveder 0 iwtmp 0 j_parameter {} kInputmode {set spacing between k-points} kSpacing 0.5 kblock {} kpoints {} lEoF 0 l_parameter {} laechg 0 lcharg 0 ldapu {Standard LDA or GGA} lefg 0 lelf 0 lepsilon 0 lhyperfine 0 lmaxHF {lmax = 4} lmaxaeGW {full shape up to lmax = 4} lmaxmp2 {up to lmax = 2} localization_ediff 1.0e-03 localization_steps 10 lpead 0 lreal {Real space} lscalapack 0 lsol 0 lspectral 1 ltmp2_nomega 6 lvhar 1 lvtot 0 lwave 0 lwaveder 0 magmom 1 magnetism {Defined by model} maxbandpoints 40 maxmem {} meta-GGA revTPSS modelBSE 0 modelBSE_AEXX {} modelBSE_HFSCREEN {} modelBSE_nbands_occ {} modelBSE_nbands_unocc {} mp2_calculation {Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2)} mporder 1 nTimeSteps 100 napaco {} nbands {} nbandsGW {} nbands_GW {} nbands_TDHF {} nbands_TimeEv {} nbands_occ {} nbands_opt {} nbands_unocc {} nblk {} nblock 1 nedos 3000 nelm 60 nelmGW 4 nelmdl {} nelmin 2 nfree 2 ngx 0 ngy 0 ngz 0 nkodd 0 nkx 4 nkxmult 1 nky 4 nkymult 1 nkz 4 nkzmult 1 nmr 0 nmr_maxkpoints 10 nomega 50 nomega_acfdt 12 nomega_tdhf 50 nosymmetry 0 nsw 0 nuj {} nwrite 1 oddonlyGW 0 optical_matrix_elements 0 optics 0 phonons_ismear Methfessel-Paxton phonons_mporder 1 phonons_sigma 0.2 phonons_sigmaGauss 0.05 poscar_filename {} potentials {GGA-PBE PAW {8 O 14 Si 1 H 7 N}} potentials_version {Version 54} potim {} prec Normal precision Normal precisionHF Normal precsym 1.0E-05 pressure 0 protHF_MD {DFT Single Point + Non-local Molecular Dynamics} protHF_Opt {DFT Single Point + Non-local Structure Optimization} protHF_SP {DFT Single Point + Non-local Single Point} read_poscar 0 reducedFFTHF 0 refit_MLFF {for fast running applications} response 0 response_ismear {Tetrahedron with Bloechl corrections} response_kmesh {as for DOS and optics} response_mporder 1 response_sigma 0.2 response_sigmaGauss 0.05 restart_MLFF {} restart_MLFF_prefix {} restart_chg {} restart_chg_prefix {} restart_type {constant energy cutoff} restart_wave {} restart_wave_prefix {} restart_waveder {} restart_wtmp {} rpar_calculation {single point energy (all systems)} rpar_convergence 0.02 rpar_mintrjfrequency 1 rpar_nomega 12 rpar_nsteps 100 rpar_sigma 0.1 rpar_tempmode {T = 0K (systems with band gap)} scissors {} sigma 0.2 sigmaGauss 0.05 sltmp2_estop {} sltmp2_nstorb {} smass {} smass_real {} solvation_energy 0 solvent_dielectric 78.4 spinaxis_x {} spinaxis_y {} spinaxis_z {} spininterpol Vosko-Wilk-Nusair spring -5 summary {} tebeg {} teend {} thomasFermi 1.8 thomasFermi_choice {average valence density} thomasFermi_fromDensity 1.8 timestep 0.4 timestep_initial 0.4 totalmoment {} u-j_parameter {} u_parameter {} van_der_Waals None van_der_Waals_functional optB86b-vdW vibrations 0 voskown {} weights {} workfunction 0}
data.simulationoptions {_description_ {} _name_ {} _protocol_id_ 0 _protocol_pid_ 0 _protocol_type_ Simulation _version_ 2.0 a 1 alpha 1 andersen_prob 0.1 averagefrequency 40.0 b 1 beta 1 c 1 calculation {Single Point} convergence 0.02 eachstep 0 econvergence 1.0e-03 endtemperature {} ensemble {micro canonical (nVE)} gamma 1 mintrjfile trajectory.data mintrjfrequency 1 nosemass {} npt_alpha constrain npt_aparam none npt_beta constrain npt_bparam none npt_constraints isotropic npt_cparam none npt_gamma constrain npt_monitoralpha none npt_monitoraparam none npt_monitorbeta none npt_monitorbparam none npt_monitorcparam none npt_monitorgamma none npt_monitorvolume monitor npt_volume none nsteps 100 nve_thermostat Nosé-Hoover nvt_thermostat Nosé-Hoover paircorrdistance 16.0 paircorrslots 256 pmass {} relaxalgo {Conjugate Gradient} relaxatompos 1 relaxatoms 1 relaxcell 0 relaxvolume 0 restart_md {} restart_md_prefix {} strain 0.01 strains 0.005 temperature 298.0 time 120.0 timestep 4.0 trjfile trajectory.data trjfrequency 1 use_wavecars 0 version 6 yinatoms {} yinyang 0}
data.simulationDimeroptions {_description_ {} _name_ {} _protocol_id_ 0 _protocol_pid_ 0 _protocol_type_ Simulation _version_ 2.0 a 1 alpha 1 andersen_prob 0.1 averagefrequency 40.0 b 1 beta 1 c 1 calculation {Single Point} convergence 0.02 eachstep 0 econvergence 1.0e-03 endtemperature {} ensemble {micro canonical (nVE)} gamma 1 mintrjfile trajectory.data mintrjfrequency 1 nosemass {} npt_alpha constrain npt_aparam none npt_beta constrain npt_bparam none npt_constraints isotropic npt_cparam none npt_gamma constrain npt_monitoralpha none npt_monitoraparam none npt_monitorbeta none npt_monitorbparam none npt_monitorcparam none npt_monitorgamma none npt_monitorvolume monitor npt_volume none nsteps 100 nve_thermostat Nosé-Hoover nvt_thermostat Nosé-Hoover paircorrdistance 16.0 paircorrslots 256 pmass {} relaxalgo {Conjugate Gradient} relaxatompos 1 relaxatoms 1 relaxcell 0 relaxvolume 0 restart_md {} restart_md_prefix {} strain 0.01 strains 0.005 temperature 298.0 time 120.0 timestep 4.0 trjfile trajectory.data trjfrequency 1 use_wavecars 0 version 6 yinatoms {} yinyang 0}
data.system {@Title Untitled

@Columns AsymmetricAtom
	AtomicNumber	int	0
	Connections	string	{{}}
	Fractional	double	{{0.0 0.0 0.0}}
	Name	string	{{}}
	Site	int	1
	WyckoffPosition	int	-1
7 {} {0.250578425469 0.488410555357 0.523410654306} N1 1 1
14 {} {0.319235995249 0.603288439946 0.544023678346} Si1 2 1
14 {} {0.135393890317 0.498956214851 0.499377238157} Si2 3 1
14 {} {0.295579084628 0.353221553473 0.528477829935} Si3 4 1
8 {} {0.392234407804 0.622944076286 0.440826339172} O 5 1
1 {} {0.260759807899 0.702880295303 0.557022604889} H1 6 1
1 {} {0.378506332099 0.584154474387 0.641487338853} H2 7 1
1 {} {0.111149178723 0.619521442975 0.496700338778} H3 8 1
1 {} {0.08423941361 0.441682003041 0.589545010138} H4 9 1
1 {} {0.111056299007 0.446334638048 0.390648231636} H5 10 1
1 {} {0.357814575731 0.332708404342 0.433431747528} H6 11 1
1 {} {0.219570666317 0.273122658537 0.520489959576} H7 12 1
1 {} {0.345190318066 0.33550643398 0.634872518465} H8 13 1
1 {} {0.369176717119 0.644500420933 0.36833072258} H10 14 1
7 {} {0.781184747396 0.466013137359 0.547298603351} N3 15 1
14 {} {0.741657863916 0.448599532898 0.410979354801} Si4 16 1
14 {} {0.884335409733 0.527248286344 0.574482459937} Si5 17 1
14 {} {0.716677584691 0.415474741612 0.657788709553} Si6 18 1
7 {} {0.629183393357 0.423504284546 0.414257896552} N4 19 1
1 {} {0.766561536796 0.551558854843 0.347881518034} H11 20 1
1 {} {0.782817930587 0.348988899544 0.35650516604} H12 21 1
1 {} {0.929068344591 0.549943717211 0.465389224055} H13 22 1
1 {} {0.942770564607 0.451693194337 0.641511489518} H14 23 1
1 {} {0.875547873624 0.634747830997 0.636733462998} H15 24 1
1 {} {0.633324383505 0.481029943126 0.676137759722} H16 25 1
1 {} {0.773287804587 0.426358562573 0.760126207695} H17 26 1
1 {} {0.692381554369 0.29563740681 0.642771747341} H18 27 1
1 {} {0.604014709953 0.351945499653 0.381915169937} H19 28 1
1 {} {0.581135136687 0.482992844577 0.423997588517} H20 29 1
@Columns Cell
	Constraints	string	{a b c A B G}
	Origin	int	{{0 0 0}}
	Parameters	double	{{10.0 10.0 10.0 90.0 90.0 90.0}}
	PrimitiveData	double	{{{1.0 0.0 0.0} {0.0 1.0 0.0} {0.0 0.0 1.0}}}
	RotationMatrix	double	{{{1.0 0.0 0.0} {0.0 1.0 0.0} {0.0 0.0 1.0}}}
	SpaceGroup	string	P1
	SpaceGroupNumber	int	1
	ToCartesians	double	{{{10.0 0.0 0.0} {0.0 10.0 0.0} {0.0 0.0 10.0}}}
	ToFractionals	double	{{{0.10000000000000001 0.0 0.0} {0.0 0.10000000000000001 0.0} {0.0 0.0 0.10000000000000001}}}
{a b c A B G} {0 0 0} {15 12 12 90 90 90} {{1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1}} {{1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1}} P1 1 {{15 0 0} {0 12 0} {0 0 12}} {{0.0666666666667 0 0} {0 0.0833333333333 0} {0 0 0.0833333333333}}
@Columns AsymmetricBond
	Atom1	reference	AsymmetricAtom
	Atom2	reference	AsymmetricAtom
	Key	int	0
	Order	int	0
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 1 0 0
5 1 0 0
6 1 0 0
7 2 0 0
8 2 0 0
9 2 0 0
10 3 0 0
11 3 0 0
12 3 0 0
13 4 0 0
15 14 0 0
16 14 0 0
17 14 0 0
18 15 0 0
19 15 0 0
20 15 0 0
21 16 0 0
22 16 0 0
23 16 0 0
24 17 0 0
25 17 0 0
26 17 0 0
27 18 0 0
28 18 0 0
@Columns Bond
	AsymmetricBond	reference	AsymmetricBond
	Atom1	reference	Atom
	Atom2	reference	Atom
	CellOffset2	int	{{0 0 0}}
	Key	int	0
0 1 0 {0 0 0} 0
1 2 0 {0 0 0} 0
2 3 0 {0 0 0} 0
3 4 1 {0 0 0} 0
4 5 1 {0 0 0} 0
5 6 1 {0 0 0} 0
6 7 2 {0 0 0} 0
7 8 2 {0 0 0} 0
8 9 2 {0 0 0} 0
9 10 3 {0 0 0} 0
10 11 3 {0 0 0} 0
11 12 3 {0 0 0} 0
12 13 4 {0 0 0} 0
13 15 14 {0 0 0} 0
14 16 14 {0 0 0} 0
15 17 14 {0 0 0} 0
16 18 15 {0 0 0} 0
17 19 15 {0 0 0} 0
18 20 15 {0 0 0} 0
19 21 16 {0 0 0} 0
20 22 16 {0 0 0} 0
21 23 16 {0 0 0} 0
22 24 17 {0 0 0} 0
23 25 17 {0 0 0} 0
24 26 17 {0 0 0} 0
25 27 18 {0 0 0} 0
26 28 18 {0 0 0} 0
@Columns Subset
	Color	string	{{#65d9f0}}
	Criteria	string	{{}}
	DisplayLine	int	0
	IeqJ	int	1
	IgtJ	int	0
	IltJ	int	0
	Length	int	1
	Name	string	{{}}
	Table	string	{{}}
	Type	string	atom
	UseColor	int	0
data.finalsystem {@Title Untitled

@Columns AsymmetricAtom
	AtomicNumber	int	0
	Connections	string	{{}}
	Fractional	double	{{0.0 0.0 0.0}}
	Name	string	{{}}
	Site	int	1
	WyckoffPosition	int	-1
7 {} {0.250578425469 0.488410555357 0.523410654306} N1 1 1
14 {} {0.319235995249 0.603288439946 0.544023678346} Si1 2 1
14 {} {0.135393890317 0.498956214851 0.499377238157} Si2 3 1
14 {} {0.295579084628 0.353221553473 0.528477829935} Si3 4 1
8 {} {0.392234407804 0.622944076286 0.440826339172} O 5 1
1 {} {0.260759807899 0.702880295303 0.557022604889} H1 6 1
1 {} {0.378506332099 0.584154474387 0.641487338853} H2 7 1
1 {} {0.111149178723 0.619521442975 0.496700338778} H3 8 1
1 {} {0.08423941361 0.441682003041 0.589545010138} H4 9 1
1 {} {0.111056299007 0.446334638048 0.390648231636} H5 10 1
1 {} {0.357814575731 0.332708404342 0.433431747528} H6 11 1
1 {} {0.219570666317 0.273122658537 0.520489959576} H7 12 1
1 {} {0.345190318066 0.33550643398 0.634872518465} H8 13 1
1 {} {0.369176717119 0.644500420933 0.36833072258} H10 14 1
7 {} {0.666699457164 0.550832065668 0.557497846172} N3 15 1
14 {} {0.627172573684 0.533418461207 0.421178597622} Si4 16 1
14 {} {0.769850119501 0.612067214653 0.584681702758} Si5 17 1
14 {} {0.602192294459 0.500293669921 0.667987952374} Si6 18 1
7 {} {0.514698103125 0.508323212855 0.424457139373} N4 19 1
1 {} {0.652076246564 0.636377783152 0.358080760855} H11 20 1
1 {} {0.668332640355 0.433807827853 0.366704408861} H12 21 1
1 {} {0.814583054359 0.63476264552 0.475588466876} H13 22 1
1 {} {0.828285274375 0.536512122646 0.651710732339} H14 23 1
1 {} {0.761062583392 0.719566759306 0.646932705819} H15 24 1
1 {} {0.518839093273 0.565848871435 0.686337002543} H16 25 1
1 {} {0.658802514355 0.511177490882 0.770325450516} H17 26 1
1 {} {0.577896264137 0.380456335119 0.652970990162} H18 27 1
1 {} {0.489529419721 0.436764427962 0.392114412758} H19 28 1
1 {} {0.466649846455 0.567811772886 0.434196831338} H20 29 1
@Columns Cell
	Constraints	string	{a b c A B G}
	Origin	int	{{0 0 0}}
	Parameters	double	{{10.0 10.0 10.0 90.0 90.0 90.0}}
	PrimitiveData	double	{{{1.0 0.0 0.0} {0.0 1.0 0.0} {0.0 0.0 1.0}}}
	RotationMatrix	double	{{{1.0 0.0 0.0} {0.0 1.0 0.0} {0.0 0.0 1.0}}}
	SpaceGroup	string	P1
	SpaceGroupNumber	int	1
	ToCartesians	double	{{{10.0 0.0 0.0} {0.0 10.0 0.0} {0.0 0.0 10.0}}}
	ToFractionals	double	{{{0.10000000000000001 0.0 0.0} {0.0 0.10000000000000001 0.0} {0.0 0.0 0.10000000000000001}}}
{a b c A B G} {0 0 0} {15 12 12 90 90 90} {{1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1}} {{1 0 0} {0 1 0} {0 0 1}} P1 1 {{15 0 0} {0 12 0} {0 0 12}} {{0.0666666666667 0 0} {0 0.0833333333333 0} {0 0 0.0833333333333}}
@Columns AsymmetricBond
	Atom1	reference	AsymmetricAtom
	Atom2	reference	AsymmetricAtom
	Key	int	0
	Order	int	0
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 0
4 1 0 0
5 1 0 0
6 1 0 0
7 2 0 0
8 2 0 0
9 2 0 0
10 3 0 0
11 3 0 0
12 3 0 0
13 4 0 0
15 14 0 0
16 14 0 0
17 14 0 0
18 15 0 0
19 15 0 0
20 15 0 0
21 16 0 0
22 16 0 0
23 16 0 0
24 17 0 0
25 17 0 0
26 17 0 0
27 18 0 0
28 18 0 0
@Columns Bond
	AsymmetricBond	reference	AsymmetricBond
	Atom1	reference	Atom
	Atom2	reference	Atom
	CellOffset2	int	{{0 0 0}}
	Key	int	0
0 1 0 {0 0 0} 0
1 2 0 {0 0 0} 0
2 3 0 {0 0 0} 0
3 4 1 {0 0 0} 0
4 5 1 {0 0 0} 0
5 6 1 {0 0 0} 0
6 7 2 {0 0 0} 0
7 8 2 {0 0 0} 0
8 9 2 {0 0 0} 0
9 10 3 {0 0 0} 0
10 11 3 {0 0 0} 0
11 12 3 {0 0 0} 0
12 13 4 {0 0 0} 0
13 15 14 {0 0 0} 0
14 16 14 {0 0 0} 0
15 17 14 {0 0 0} 0
16 18 15 {0 0 0} 0
17 19 15 {0 0 0} 0
18 20 15 {0 0 0} 0
19 21 16 {0 0 0} 0
20 22 16 {0 0 0} 0
21 23 16 {0 0 0} 0
22 24 17 {0 0 0} 0
23 25 17 {0 0 0} 0
24 26 17 {0 0 0} 0
25 27 18 {0 0 0} 0
26 28 18 {0 0 0} 0
@Columns Subset
	Color	string	{{#65d9f0}}
	Criteria	string	{{}}
	DisplayLine	int	0
	IeqJ	int	1
	IgtJ	int	0
	IltJ	int	0
	Length	int	1
	Name	string	{{}}
	Table	string	{{}}
	Type	string	atom
	UseColor	int	0
job.status running
job.started {2024-09-26 21:32:30}
job.pid 9807
job.status finished
job.finished {2024-09-27 00:41:19}